Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 2008

What a crazy Christmas this year. We didn't end up going anywhere and that was probably a good thing considering Ben was wired by 9am. We definitely overdid it in terms of gifts, so the lesson we're taking away for next year is: minimize.

The 'hit' Christmas gifts for Ben this year was anything Cars themed. He received socks, underwear, slippers, dinky cars, a large Dinoco McQueen car, a 'shake n' go' Ramone, Cars themed.

His 'big' gift was a play kitchen, which he didn't make a big fuss over at the time, but he *really* enjoys playing with it. The 'pro' of the kitchen is that it's easy to busy Ben with a fake cooking task, like asking him to 'make' me lunch - invaluable during the times I'm preoccupied with Caitlin. And it's just so much fun watching Ben prepare these pretend meals and how his imagination really takes over. The 'con' of the kitchen is the million or so pieces of play food/dishes/cutlery. Oh my god... what a pain in the butt to tidy up! I cringe when I hear them being dumped on the floor; it's one notch below the sound of a bucket-full of Lego being dumped on a hardwood floor.

And of course, making this Christmas extra-special was the fact that it was Caitlin's first Christmas. She was pretty oblivious to all the hubbub, and slept through most of it. (I'll post more of an update on Caitlin later.)

Here are some Christmas photos of our kids!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ben's Christmas concert this morning

It was a bit hectic getting us all out of the house, but we made it on time. Unfortunately we forgot the camera. :( BUT we did have the camcorder, so Nic captured some video.

I was a little nervous how well Caitlin would fare, but she slept through the whole thing. I was expecting her to wake up hungry at some point since she hadn't eaten much before we left, and since I'm nursing this time around I wasn't quite sure how I would discreetly do so - I'm pretty new to this, so while a blanket is all well and good once she's latched, I need to see what I'm doing to get her latched. Surely we'll be old pros at this soon though. :)

Anyway, it was a really cute concert. Ben, like most of the kids, was a bit hesitant to perform and probably a bit stunned by the audience, but he did great. And he was so cute! I'm so, so happy that my delivery recovery was so much better this time. And of course I cried. I even cried watching children who weren't mine! I guess that's the hormones for you.

If I get some time I'll try to capture some video from the concert for the blog.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Caitlin's first week

So far so good. Our little miss is really doing great and fitting right in, almost as if she's always been here!

Right now she's still sleeping and eating lots. Breast feeding is going very well for us. We bought some formula on the way home from the hospital, but she only had one ounce, then my milk came in.

She is definitely a champion eater, with her longest eating stretch - about three to four hours - being in the evening. Apparently evening 'cluster feeds' are common as a way of 'tanking up' for the night. As she gets older this will probably ease up, but as it is right now I'm generally camped out on the couch in front of the TV until midnight every night.

It's not really surprising that her 'alert time' is between 9.30pm and midnight since that was when she was always most active in utero. Funny how that translates.

And Caitlin's first little milestone this week is losing her belly button nub this morning. Pretty much the same as Ben, who also lost his during his first week home. I didn't bother using alcohol on either of their belly buttons.

And now for some more photos...

Mama with Caitlin on the outside.
Caitlin looking an awful lot like Ben!
Caitlin having a snooze.
Diaper cake from Andi!
Big brother Ben with Caitlin.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Some photos too!

Blogger is apparently limited and I couldn't successfully create an entry with a large amount of text, plus photos. So here are the photos seperately.

She's here! Caitlin's birth story.

4am on Monday, December 8th my water broke. I woke Nic up, he went downstairs and woke his mum up (she was spending the night with us to avoid the possibility of calling her to drive up amidst a snow storm we were expecting), grabbed my bag, I kissed Ben – who was sound asleep in bed - ‘good bye’ and told him I loved him. Then we got on the road.

It was snowy and the roads were slick. I had one contraction on the way to the hospital – about a 15 minute drive from our house – and another when we pulled up at the doors. I contemplated walking to the birthing unit, but Nic suggested a chair and it was a good suggestion.

We got to the birthing unit, gave them all my info, and then the contractions really kicked in. I told the desk clerk that things were probably going to happen really quickly – I had no idea how quickly though!!

We were given a bed in triage, I managed to collect a urine sample (how, I’ll never know!), and then I sent Nic out to get a nurse in to assess me – my contractions were three minutes apart. After what seemed like a really long time, but in reality was probably ten minutes, a nurse came in, checked me, found I was 7 cms. Then everyone started to hussle!

My delivery nurse came immediately, asked if I could walk to my room, I couldn’t – the contractions were far too intense and frequent – so they just wheeled my bed from triage to the room and I transferred beds when I got there.

Once in the birthing room – in which there were about three different nurses running around (I should have realized that an epidural was a pipe dream at this point! Ha-ha!), they drew some blood, hooked me up to the monitor, and suddenly I just needed to push. And my nurse looked panicked when I informed her of this! I guess it took her by surprise too! In retrospect I find it really amusing that the dialogue went something like this:

Me: I need to push!
Nurse: Oh no you don’t!! Breathe through it!!

Ha! Fat chance. I suspect this is a woman who hadn’t experienced un-medicated child birth (she was quite young) – there is no stopping a baby who wants to be born! I may be her mother, but I can’t work miracles!

Suddenly she was calling for the doctor, nurses were swirling in, it was crazy!

I pushed maybe six to ten times, and it was the most surreal experience of my life. At times the pain was absolutely blinding, but thinking of all the women I know who’ve survived a completely un-medicated child birth is what got me through… obviously I’d survive!

And less than 15 minutes after entering the birthing room, sweet little Caitlin (full name: Caitlin Marie Jocelyn – Marie for my mum, Jocelyn for Nic’s) was born at precisely 4.56am weighing in at 8 lbs 12 oz and 21 inches long. A big girl, and bigger than her brother in both respects (he was 8lbs 6oz, and 19 inches long).

Of course, I appear to be a woman who cannot birth a child in an uneventful fashion. This time it was shoulder dystocia. Basically, one (maybe both) shoulders get stuck and therefore don’t enter the birth canal properly. Apparently this is quite a thing and happens very seldom (like <1% of all births – yay us!) and can cause all sorts of serious complications (which I’m only just realizing now). As a result there was a whole lot of hubbub at one point, my bed was tipped almost completely back, and people were getting very serious. As a result, as soon as Caitlin was out they just cut the cord and whisked her over to the exam table. Nic didn’t get a chance to cut the cord. He did, however, see Caitlin’s head come out (he didn’t see anything with Ben).

Thankfully Caitlin’s first APGAR was 8, and second APGAR was 9. And I only ended up with a second degree tear (which is a cake walk compared to the major episiotomy I had last time).

After Caitlin was checked and I was stitched I finally got to hold her in my arms; that’s when I finally cried. Up to that point everything was happening so quickly that my brain hadn’t really processed what was going on.

Then I tried to latch her, not really sure what to expect, since Ben and I never latched, not even once. And much to my wonder and amazement she latched right on! And she’s been latching ever since. We haven’t had a single problem getting her latched either. It’s just so bizarre! Of course, since I’m a newbie I’m not certain our latch is ‘great’, but my nipples are still in tact, the nurses gave me some advice, and I’m hoping to get into a breast feeding clinic soon (I already have an appointment for Dec. 19th – the earliest I could get in! – so I’ll be calling around to a couple of other places). And my milk came in today too. It’s just been over two days, so I’m pretty stoked. I’m hoping it’ll make us a little more efficient because yesterday after having nursing marathon from 5am to 1pm I really thought my nipples might fall off! Today things are MUCH better, and she’s clearly having satisfying feeds and sleeping more restfully in between as a result.

And now we’re home and all doing well. I’m feeling quite a bit better this time around, so I need to remind myself to rest up a bit more. Daddy’s doing a wonderful job keeping this place running, helping me with things that I can’t do while I’m tied up with Caitlin, and most importantly, making sure Ben’s well taken care of.

Ben seems to be taking everything in stride. He’s very interested in Caitlin, and is a super big brother already. I can’t tell you how many times watching him interact with his little sister has made me cry. He is just the sweetest little boy: sharing his most prized possessions with Caitlin, patting her shoulder and telling her ‘it’s alright, baby – don’t cry’ when she’s upset, and rocking her cradle. This morning he offered her a sip of his milk. What a wonderful kid he is, and his sister is measuring up too.

Nic and I are truly, truly blessed.


Monday, December 08, 2008

Week 41: If you want to perform the baby Olympics...

Then get out of my body!


On another note, I have an OB appointment today. Never thought I'd be going, but it appears as though I will. It's booked for this evening, but I'm calling this morning hoping they'll fit me in earlier so I can beg for an induction SOON.

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Saturday, December 06, 2008

Week 41: EDD + 3

Yep, three days overdue. And I'm not feeling very well at all. A lot of discomfort and nausea. Hopefully things will happen soon. If I weren't feeling so awful waiting would be a piece of cake.

Fortunately Granny Bloomfield is here today and spending the night. The forecast is calling for snow and this way if I do go into labour we won't have to worry about her traveling in poor driving conditions. Besides, we won't have to make any arrangements aside from letting Granny know we're leaving for the hospital.

So baby, if you're listening, today, tonight, and tomorrow morning would all make for great timing. Part of being fashionably late is about timing your arrival perfectly.

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Thursday, December 04, 2008

Week 41: GAHHHHH!

C'mon kid. Give me a break here.

I don't know what it is, and I know I'm only one day overdue, but I officially hate being pregnant now. I'm SO uncomfortable. The end of my pregnancy with Ben was a cakewalk - I was comfortable, sleeping okay, and was basically just waiting excitedly. This time around is NOT the same. I'm just done. I'm ->this<- close to going to the birthing unit of our local hospital and begging them to induce me. The pressure from this human being in my body is getting to be a bit much... it feels like my bottom is about to fall out!

Oh, and I hope Ben's wrong. When I asked him earlier when he thought I might have the baby he said 'Not today!', so I asked when and he said 'Monday!'... oh dear god, please tell me he's not on to something.

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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Week 40: Today is my due date!

Time to evict this baby. Maybe a notice?

Dear Baby,

You've had your forty weeks! I'm sure my uterus is pretty cosy, but we've created a pretty comfortable environment for you outside, including onsies, sleepers, blankets, and complete with a cradle, crib, and Mama and Daddy's arms to snuggle you. You have a big brother waiting to meet you too. He might poke you in the eyes once or twice, but we'll do our best to curb that.

Please let me bend comfortably again. I will be eternally grateful. Besides, we love you and want to give you lots of snuggles and kisses.

See you soon!

With love,

Mama xoxoxox

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Monday, December 01, 2008

What a memory!

I knew Ben was starting to recognize numbers correctly, but only recently have I learned that he actually knows which numbers correspond to which engines in Thomas and Friends. He doesn't remember all of them, but he knows Thomas (1), James (5), Gordon (4), Percy (6), and Henry (3). I didn't even know which number was assigned to which engine and had to Google images to confirm whether or not he was correct. Daddy even tried throwing Ben a curve ball by asking what number Emily was, to which Ben quickly replied 'Emily doesn't have a number.' and he was right. Smart kid!


In the mornings Ben usually wants cereal for breakfast, and almost every morning he gets mad at his spoon. He can see his reflection in it and angrily announces 'I do not want Ben in my spoon!', then he'll turn it over and make the same complaint.

This morning we went through two spoons before finally I just gave him a plastic one.