Caitlin turned four months old today! And these past four months have gone by so quickly. It's amazing how much she's changed and grown in these past months.
Things Caitlin's doing these days:
- rolling front to back. I mentioned this in another entry, and she's kept it up, though she doesn't roll constantly. She does look like she might start rolling back to front soon too; she really cranes her neck sometimes and it looks like it won't be long before her body follows.
- grasping items. She's pretty good at grasping an item and guiding it to - where else? - her mouth! She loves to chew.
- smiley smiles. Caitlin's such a smiley girl. And almost every time she wakes up she greets you with big gummy smiles. So sweet.
- chatting. When you get her going Caitlin can chat up a storm. She seems to have quite a 'vocabulary' already!
She seems to be in the early stages of teething, very drooly, loves chewing on her hands or anything else she can get into her mouth.
She's a great napper and night sleeper, much like her brother. You can put her down with her soother and blanket and she'll just go right to sleep. Most nights lately she'll sleep through until 6/6.30am, though occassionally she wakes at 5am and after a feeding she'll go back to sleep.
Rarely has a complaint and seems to be so content to just observe the world around her.
She loves Ben, and Ben loves her. When she wakes from a nap Ben wants to be the first one in the room and she greets him with the biggest of smiles. He can't wait until she's older and can play with him.
We haven't had a recurrance of the mystery hives that she had a couple of weeks ago, although we have noticed the occassional single tiny hive on her foot. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it, so I guess we'll just wait it out and see. Infants are funny things so hopefully this is just a sign of her developing immune system and nothing more.
So that pretty much sums up where Caitlin's at these days. I look forward to seeing her personality develop over the coming months (and years). Happy four months, Caitlin! We love you! :)

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