This one's all about Caitlin!
First, I can't believe she's almost 7 months old already. I'm sure I've said this before, but I'll say it again, time passes SO much more quickly the second time around.
She recently had her '6 month' check-up a little late, and did fantastic. She's weighing 8.5kg, so 18.75 lbs, which maintains her weight curve of 75th percentile. Her height curve dropped, but I think that's more likely due to our doctor's measuring method than anything else. Her head circumference is following the 25th percentile curve as it always has. She took her shots like a champ, cried briefly and soothed quickly, left happy. And despite being overdue for a nap you would never have known it - she was content and cooperative.
I've mentioned that she's sitting and rolling, but doing it so much more effectively now. I still keep a pillow behind her incase she pitches backwards, as she does from time to time, but she's really strong, and so when she tips herself too far over she gets her arms out and no longer face plants. As for rolling, she can go front to back and back to front, quite well now. She doesn't seem to mind being on her tummy at all.
She's also learning to pull herself around on her tummy to face in a different direction and she's beginning to try getting her bum up. I think she may be more inclined to crawl on her hands and knees rather than bum scoot as Ben did since she does enjoy tummy time so much more.
Caitlin continues to be a content and cheerful baby. She's just so pleasant, and it takes a lot to ruffle her feathers. Of course teething makes her cranky or if she's a bit under the weather she likes to be held a lot, but other than that she's quite independant and will happily play on her own with her toys. It probably helps that Ben is often playing with his own toys right along side her.
She doesn't seem to have a favourite toy, she'll play with pretty much anything, but she is quite interested in Ben's cars (he's not too crazy about that, but he's learning to share), and books, particularly the books I get from the library which have the plastic film over the cover. Must be the crinkle, because she's also crazy about paper and cardboard.
Caitlin's food repertoire:
- banana
- pear
- rice, barley, and oatmeal cereals
- green beans
- sweet potato
- carrots
- prunes
So far her favourites are pear, banana, and barley cereal. She's not crazy about being spoon fed, and her tongue thrust reflex is still fairly strong, though she is getting the idea and opens up more regularly now. She loves her mesh baby-safe feeder; she'll gnaw on that for a good while. I think she'll be an early self-feeder.
So overall Caitlin's doing great. She's a tonne of fun, and I can't imagine our lives without her. She's brings us all so much joy! We love our sweet, beautiful girlie-girl.
Labels: Caitlin