First, let me say: what a great day for Ben! He was comfortable in his classroom from the moment we stepped in, went straight for the bin of Hot Wheels cars, and played with another little boy.
We arrived a little early because I wanted a moment to chat with his teachers. I also brought a copy of his last egg allergy testing which shows him as negative (to counter the comments our GP made on the anaphylaxis form - see previous entry for deets), so that worked out well and we were able to modify the form indicating that peanut is the only anaphylaxis risk for Ben.
Ben continued playing and was happy so I decided it was time to leave (there were still several parents hanging around). I said good-bye to Ben (he didn't even get up... haha... just kept on playing with the cars) and told him I'd be back in a little while.
I didn't cry when I dropped him off, or when I left, or even when I got home. I was shocked. I did, however, cry when I went to pick him up. The parents waited in the hallway until class ended and the door was opened. Everyone started spilling in and I spotted Ben sitting in a circle on the floor with some other children and a teacher. When I called his name he started looking around, spotted me, looked SO happy to see me, then ran over and gave me the biggest, happiest hug. And that's when I burst into tears. But I managed to get in control again pretty quickly... I didn't want him to think anything was wrong.
Both teachers said he had a great day. I noticed in additon to the name tag on his shirt, he also had a 'calendar helper' tag. I don't know what the 'calendar helper' is or does, but he was it! :D
And here are some photos from this morning. Ben wasn't keen on having his picture taken; he never is these days.
Just after putting on our shoes and getting ready to head out the door (he quickly turned away and yelled 'nooooooo!')

Yelling at me to not take his photo

There's no escaping the car seat... or the camera...

Running to the school door... or away from a snap-happy mama

Checking out his classroom

Playing cars with another little boy

Saying 'cheese!' and looking a little possessed