Ben's allergy test results.
If I'd posted this about six hours sooner I probably would have been over the moon about the negative egg result. The allergist instructed to start out by offering egg products and to observe Ben for a reaction, then if all goes well to move on to well cooked eggs, i.e., hard boiled or well done scrambled eggs. So, I baked some oatmeal mini-muffins while Ben had his nap. One egg in the entire batch. When he woke up he ate three muffins (probably more like two with waste) and no sign of a reaction. About an hour or two later I notice what looked like a little hive on his upper lip (causing me to burst into tears of disappointment). Then about ten minutes later a reddish spot besides the 'hive'. Im not entirely sure what to make of this. Having seen a reaction before (granted, more a obvious reaction) I feel in my gut that it was a reaction, but it's tough to be certain. What I've planned to do is make pancakes on Saturday morning when Nic's home; the egg will be a bit more concentrated so hopefully it'll be enough to make for a more obvious, but not horrific, reaction.
I'll post more on the weekend. Fingers crossed.
Oh, and we're back to the allergist in May for tree nut testing. A whole other can of worms. Good fun.