I had an appointment on Monday and I didn't update because there really isn't much to update on... and that's a good thing! Everything's going well. Baby's heart rate is good and steady, no skipped beats, and my blood pressure, weight, etc. is all good too.
Starting to get a little stressed out considering all the stuff that needs to get done still, mostly meal preparation. I'd hoped to get a start on preparing freezer meals in advance so that we don't have to scramble for healthy meals during those early weeks... or months even, after I have the baby. It wasn't such a big deal last time when I had Ben because we were still double income, and we didn't have Ben's food allergies to worry about, so take-out was an option. Not so much this time around.
Anyway, this weekend I plan to jump on meal making. Nic and Ben are going to the cottage for Thanksgiving with the family and I am using the opportunity to start cooking, in peace. I almost wish I'd started this sooner because I'm so freakin' tired these days.
We still have to finish the nursery... we need a curtain rod, crib mattress, and I'm still not sure what we'll do about a rocking chair. We still use Ben's in his room, but really, we can't afford to buy another. I've been watching Craigslist hoping to find a deal, but it's tough to find something cheap, yet nice. If it comes down to it we'll just have to move the chair out of Ben's room, we just can't do it right now because I have a hard time getting up off the floor or laying/sitting in his bed comfortably to read bedtime stories.
We also have to pick up some new bottles since I returned all the BPA-laden Avent bottles we had for Ben. I don't know how much they'll get used, but considering my last short-lived breastfeeding experience I don't want to find myself without a bottle in the middle of the night.
I'd like to buy a 'coming home' outfit for the baby. Something new and just for her that I can save and pass on to her when she's older.
I also have to pick up some things loaned to Andi - the play pen, breast pump, etc. and I need to pick up new BPA-free parts for the breast pump (apparently our local hospital carries them).
Clothing... we need some clothing. I think I have enough to start with - I still have to check my inventory of what's leftover from Ben, what Andi's given me (a few newborn items), and go from there. I suspect this baby won't be in newborn items for long, so having a stash of 0-3 month sleepers on hand will be a useful thing. And I still have to wash everything up.
So, all that said, if anyone out there can muster up some energy vibes and send them my way - thanks! I'm tired just typing out the stuff that still needs to happen, nevermind accomplishing anything.
OH! One last thing. I still have to get my pre-registration filled in and faxed to the hospital. Argh!