Benjamin and Caitlin: The Ultimate Tag Team

Thursday, October 30, 2008

No minion for me. Uh-uh.

Earlier I sat down in the living room with my laptop. As soon as I got comfortable I realised I couldn't reach my glass. Ben was in the room with me playing with his cars. So, (remembering how my parents always put me to work getting them things, etc.) I ask him if he could pass me my glass, and he totally ignores me. Thanks kid.

I end up getting my glass myself while mumbling 'No minion for me.' To which Ben promptly replies 'Nope, no minion for you, Mama. Uh-uh.'

Totally cracked me up!

Week 36: Yikes! and we now have a crib mattress.

Yikes! Because I can't believe I'm in my 36th week now. Two weeks and I'll be full term, at which point it's technically anyone's guess (even though I think I'll go right around my due date).

I picked up a crib mattress on sale today at Sears. They were all marked down 20%, and as a result Ben's destruction (of his crib mattress) cost us $105. But it's a good mattress, well reenforced sides, with both an infant side and a toddler side (constructed with a different topper over the coils to accomodate the difference in weight). We should have one comfortable babe.

So now, aside from a few smaller items - face clothes, receiving blankets, soothers, bibs, bottles, and an infant bath tub (we got rid of Ben's when we moved house) - we're pretty much good to go.

Sweet thing of the day: I made up the baby's crib when Ben and I brought the mattress home. Ben went and got his prized digger pillow and put it in the baby's crib, and then put a second-rate pillow on his own bed. This kid is just the sweetest kid on the planet. (Of course, he's human and at naptime he decided he wanted his digger pillow back, but still...).

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ben's friend Tyrone

Ben's new imaginary friend is Tyrone from The Backyardigans. He's always pretending to carry him around, he does things with him... plays all kinds of games, they have foot races, Ben seats him next to him whereever he goes, has picnics with him, etc. I often have to address Ben *and* Tyrone, and a huge benefit is that it's easier to get Ben to do something if I ask him to teach Tyrone how to do X, Y, or Z.

Occassionally there's a little problem, like this morning I accidentally ate poor Tyrone, so I had to quickly spit him back out before poor Ben had a heart attack. Ben later peed on Tyrone in his potty, then plucked him and dried him off with a towel. And sometimes Tyrone gets into trouble, like he might dump over a bowl of snacks or something; when Ben's questioned about it I'm told Tyrone was the culprit.

Overall though Tyrone keeps Ben pretty busy, and this is a good thing. My only dilemma now is do I buy Ben a plush Tyrone for Christmas, or do I continue to have him 'make do' with invisible Tyrone?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ben stories and best friends

Every night before bed either Nic or myself will read Ben his bedtime stories and tuck him. Part of the process is telling Ben a 'Ben story' or 'dilla' as Ben says for 'story' (we haven't figured out why, because he can say 'story', he just prefers 'dilla'... who knows). Last night I started out as usual opening with 'Once upon a time...' and it went something like this:

Me: Once upon a time there was a little boy names... [insert pause]
Ben: Ben!
Me: That's right! And he was... how old?
Ben: Two and a 'alf!
Me: Right! And Ben had a best friend. His name was... [insert pause]
Ben: Daddy!

How sweet is that?? Usually he'll say Mater or McQueen or some other character from some other show, but last night it was Daddy.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Week 35: Do I possibly have room to keep growing this baby for another six weeks??

I'm not sure. I'm exactly 34 weeks today, heading into my 35th week and I'm feeling pretty pressed for space. And uncomfortable. I hobbled around all morning with a sore back. I soaked in the tub a bit this AM (thank goodness Ben's a fairly independant little guy, he watched some cartoons and played in his playroom while I nursed my sore back) and it seemed to help, but only briefly.

Ben's SO sweet. When I complained to him about my sore back as I struggled to get him dressed this morning he promptly gave my back a kiss, then 'rubbed it in', and asked 'does you back feel better, Mama?'. What did I do to deserve such a great kid?

The nursery is getting there. Still need a crib mattress. We're unsure what to do about a chair. We'll probably wait and see after we have the baby whether or not we can get by without the recliner in Ben's room. We still use it in couple of times a day with Ben for storytime before naps and bedtime. I'd really miss having it in there, and I'd really miss all the snuggles that go along with it. The curtain rod, curtains, and night lights still need to be installed. Nic has to bring up the change table from the basement. And once that's done it'll be pretty much ready.

I've been doing some laundry. I picked up some sleepers from a local consignment shop, and I've also received a number of hand-me-downs from Judy and Andi, some of which were passed on by Melissa (who has the most fashionable daughter among our circle of moms + kids :D) so we'll definitely have a well-dressed baby. Once this last load is done I'll try to get the dresser and closet organized. Plus I have to go through all of Ben's old baby toys, clean them up, and store them in the closet (I don't expect I'll have a lot of time for sorting, cleaning, and organizing once the baby's here).

I have a couple of trays of spinich ricotta manicotti in the freezer. I want to get a few more dishes prepared. And I need to get my Christmas baking done too. I don't think I'll have time to make chocolates this year though. I'm really disappointed because there just aren't any widely available peanut-free Christmas chocolates (except for After Eights, which are better than nothing). I think the local peanut-free bakery may carry some peanut-free chocolates, so I'll check with them... I can only imagine the price. Ugh.

So that's pretty much where we are right now. :)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

So, Ben got to walk a mile in my shoes this morning.

I went out to run errands leaving Ben home with Daddy. Playing with Lego was among this morning's activities while I was away.

Daddy was working away building a structure of some sort (because that's what Daddy does... hogs the Lego ;) when Ben and his Thomas train comes along. Apparently Thomas had some devious plan that Ben was trying to prevent by repeatedly begging 'No Thomas! No no Thomas!', but it was too late. Thomas knocked over and destroyed the structure Daddy was building.

It didn't end there.

Ben put Thomas in a 'time-out' on the stairs. He went on to explain to Thomas that he was to sit and not talk or move. Then he left Thomas to have a think.

When Ben returned to the living room Daddy asked him to help clean up the mess, but Ben thought it was Thomas' responsibility, so he went back to Thomas and they had a hug. Then Ben brought Thomas back, showed him the mess, and told him he was to start picking up blocks.

I wonder if Ben will be more empathetic to a mother's plight from now on...?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Week 34: Nesting

I'm perfectly happy not being a neat freak, but there I was today, cleaning the main floor powder room deciding it'd be a good idea to wash down the baseboards.

And afterwards to tackle the main floor dusting, but just dusting the furniture wasn't enough, I found myself dusting between the railing spindles on the staircase.

Then I absolutely needed to sweep, but just sweeping the visible floor wasn't enough. Nooo. I had to start moving furniture!

I'm exhausted now.

And of course Nic calls to tell me he's going to be home late because he's only nine slides into a thirty slide presentation he's working on... for tomorrow.

The icing on the cake is that Ben is going through an awful bout of the 'testing threes' (I can only assume, because most of two has been easy for us)... tantrum upon tantrum. Everything having to be exactly his way, or the way he's mapped it out in his mind. He actually got mad at me yesterday - like totally freaked out, crying, the works - for eating a piece of *pretend* pumpkin pie... apparently it was Pablo's slice.

I so need a nap.

33 weeks today!

Only seven more weeks to go!

Feeling pretty good. I'm just getting over a nasty cold. Baby's moving around lots.

I'm sure I've said so already, but she's a real mover n' shaker. More of a mover than I remember Ben being. The movements, however, are quite similar in terms of location so I don't know what that says about her position, i.e., whether she's in the same position Ben was or not. I definitely haven't been getting kicks to the ribs that I've always heard so much about from other pregnant women, nor did I experience that with Ben. I also didn't experience the baby 'dropping' into the pelvis causing the pregnant lady waddle with Ben, and I wonder if it'll be the same this time around.

I'm starting to get a little anxious. It sounds silly, but just recently have I started considering the reality: that this pregnancy *will* result in another human being. I've been kind of coasting along without thinking about the impact that this new wee person will have on our family, both the positives and the adjustments (thinking mostly about how it will effect Ben and how Nic and I as parents will have to adapt our parenting strategies to be most effective). I think I need a book.

I'm also anxious about labour, delivery, and recovery this time around after my experience last time. I keep reminding myself that I survived.

Maybe I should go back to thinking about baby clothes for a while.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

On the phone with Ben

Nic just called from the cottage (he and Ben are there for Thanksgiving dinner... see previous entry to learn why I am not). I don't often get a chance to speak with Ben on the phone simply because we're almost always together. And he was so excited to talk to me, as I was to talk to him. When I said 'I love you' at the end of the call he said 'I love you too' (the 'I love you's' are a wonderful, fairly new development). Then he went on to kiss the receiver several times!

'Mama, I make you sick!'

I'm sick. I've been nursing a subtle cold for the past week or so, but it *really* hit me night before last... excrutiating sore throat, very stuffed up, lots of sneezing, and as a result, unable to sleep (I've had six hours of broken sleep over the past two nights).

Ben is sick too, but being his resiliant two-and-a-half year old self it's not hit him quite so hard.

But, Ben's been coughing, so back-peddle a few days and you'd find me trying to teach Ben to cover his mouth when he coughs and explaining that you cover your mouth so that you don't make other people sick. He gets the concept, but I don't expect it's something he'll remember to do. That's normal; he's two-and-a-half. What I *didn't* expect, however, was that he'd purposely cough directly in my face. Twice. And announce, 'Mama, I make you sick!'

You sure did, kid!

Nic and Ben went up to the cottage for Thanksgiving dinner today. I was planning to stay home anyway so I could get a jumpstart on making some freezer meals for when the baby comes, but instead I'm in bed, feeling like I might die, wondering if I need antibiotics, but not at all interested in spending hours waiting to see a doctor at a walk-in clinic.

Blah. I sure wish I could take something. Being pregnant and sick is no fun.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Toopy and Binoo this morning

Ben and I skipped on one of his programs this morning to attend a live Toopy and Binoo performance at the mall. Ben *loves* Toopy and Binoo and spent most of the time mesmerized.

Here's Ben busting a few moves for the children's entertainer who played the guitar and sang some songs for the kids to keep them happy while waiting for Toopy and Binoo to make their appearance. Ben danced though every song and afterwards asked me when Toopy and Binoo would show up.

And here they are!!!

Ben was pretty impressed.

Not sure about this face!

Ben and Mama

Week 33: OB appointment update and stuff to do

I had an appointment on Monday and I didn't update because there really isn't much to update on... and that's a good thing! Everything's going well. Baby's heart rate is good and steady, no skipped beats, and my blood pressure, weight, etc. is all good too.

Starting to get a little stressed out considering all the stuff that needs to get done still, mostly meal preparation. I'd hoped to get a start on preparing freezer meals in advance so that we don't have to scramble for healthy meals during those early weeks... or months even, after I have the baby. It wasn't such a big deal last time when I had Ben because we were still double income, and we didn't have Ben's food allergies to worry about, so take-out was an option. Not so much this time around.

Anyway, this weekend I plan to jump on meal making. Nic and Ben are going to the cottage for Thanksgiving with the family and I am using the opportunity to start cooking, in peace. I almost wish I'd started this sooner because I'm so freakin' tired these days.

We still have to finish the nursery... we need a curtain rod, crib mattress, and I'm still not sure what we'll do about a rocking chair. We still use Ben's in his room, but really, we can't afford to buy another. I've been watching Craigslist hoping to find a deal, but it's tough to find something cheap, yet nice. If it comes down to it we'll just have to move the chair out of Ben's room, we just can't do it right now because I have a hard time getting up off the floor or laying/sitting in his bed comfortably to read bedtime stories.

We also have to pick up some new bottles since I returned all the BPA-laden Avent bottles we had for Ben. I don't know how much they'll get used, but considering my last short-lived breastfeeding experience I don't want to find myself without a bottle in the middle of the night.

I'd like to buy a 'coming home' outfit for the baby. Something new and just for her that I can save and pass on to her when she's older.

I also have to pick up some things loaned to Andi - the play pen, breast pump, etc. and I need to pick up new BPA-free parts for the breast pump (apparently our local hospital carries them).

Clothing... we need some clothing. I think I have enough to start with - I still have to check my inventory of what's leftover from Ben, what Andi's given me (a few newborn items), and go from there. I suspect this baby won't be in newborn items for long, so having a stash of 0-3 month sleepers on hand will be a useful thing. And I still have to wash everything up.

So, all that said, if anyone out there can muster up some energy vibes and send them my way - thanks! I'm tired just typing out the stuff that still needs to happen, nevermind accomplishing anything.

OH! One last thing. I still have to get my pre-registration filled in and faxed to the hospital. Argh!

Monday, October 06, 2008

Okay, I need to teach this boy modesty or shame.

My friend Judy and her kids, Elliot (Ben's age) and Natalie, stopped by for lunch today. Afterwards we're in the family room and Elliot starts dancing to music on TV, kinda like a jig. So I explain to Judy how Ben does a similar dance, except only when he's naked, and he calls it his... 'naked boy trick'. And he gets a real kick out of watching his penis bounce around. (I guess it's a boy thing.)

So then Ben who's overheard me starts insisting he'd like to do his 'naked boy trick', and I explain to him 'no, it's not polite in front of company' and tell him he can do his 'trick' when he gets changed for his nap (he still naps in a pull-up).

I thought I'd convinced him when suddenly he whipped his pants and underwear down enough for his penis to hang out and he starts dancing. And of course everytime I try to catch him and pull his pants back up he runs off (I should add that a 2.5 yr old child with his pants half down is much faster than a woman who's seven months pregnant). And it doesn't help that Judy and I are laughing uncontrollably, so we're inadvertantly fuelling the frenzy.

Oh man. Seriously. My fear now is that he'll go to school and want to do his 'naked boy trick' for the class.

'It's dinnertime, Daddy!'

Today, around dinnertime, I was upstairs folding laundry. Nic was downstairs fixing my laptop. He was a bit engrossed in the task as he'd had it completely in bits when Ben appears with an armload of jars from the pantry.

Ben then proceeds to hand each jar to Nic, naming it as he passed it over...
Chocolate syrup...

And then he announced:
It's dinnertime, Daddy!

The kid had high hopes!